I am really confused here. I did read all the tips on how to navigate panorama items, searched all the forums and did come to a solution by removing all items, and re-adding them and setting the desired panorama item as selected item. This works really good. The problem is only, that i loose all data-bindings, when I remove the panorama-items from the panorama control. I was thinking about not to allow any navigation options, and to let the user only slide through the panorama-items, and not jumping to a specific item via tile. Currently I am stuck and don't know how to prevent data loss. Thank you.
It is generally not recommended to move the panorama items around. If you need to add more information, the app should navigate to a new page. If you want the panorama to start on a different page (like the Picture Hub) you can do this by setting the DefaultItem of the Panorama. A good way to do this is to store the index of the item you want, then retrieve it later to get the item and then set the DefaultItem property.
// Store index
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["PanoramaIndex"] = MyPanorama.SelectedIndex;
// Get index and set
int index;
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.TryGetValue("PanoramaIndex", out index);
object defaultItem = MyPanorama.Items[index];
MyPanorama.DefaultItem = defaultItem;