In Spring+Hibernate app im trying to use a named parameter pasend query should sum values from xml document saved in database as text.
SELECT document_type,
SUM(CAST(substring(document_content ,'<ab.*>(.*[0-9])</ab>') as float)) as value, COUNT(*)
FROM statistic_data_test
WHERE column LIKE :param1::text
GROUP BY document_type
param1 is named parameter passed to program via URL. Whole query and parameter names are dynamically created by user.
code shown above works fine, but i need an ability to find not only exact match, but i cant concatenate stings in query. For now, in one part of code i'm checking if type is text, and if so, i add % marks as suffix and prefix.
What i wont, is move % marks from parameter to query string, but things like
WHERE column LIKE '%'+:param1::text+'%'
turns errors
How can it be done? How to concatenate stings in query?
Change the strategy, keep the goal.
Use the position
position(:param1::text in column) <> o