Search code examples

#1242: Subquery Returns more than one row

I have a problem regarding mysql.

I have few tables like course, papers, students, studentspapers

Now what I want is that my query should return the result like:

It should select student name, student category from students table, students optional paper from studentspaper but I have not mentioned anything in my studentpapers table but in papers table.

Papers table have id as primary key which I have used in studentspaper as foreign key.

Now the simple query I am using is:

  students st,
  sps s join papers
  on paperid
  paperid = (select p.p_id from papers p where type='optional')
  and st.course=1

I dont know what shall I do.

Its saying subquery return more than 1 row #1242


  • Your query is:

    select, s.paperid
    from students st,
         sps s join
         on paperid
    where paperid= (select p.p_id from papers p where type='optional') and st.course=1

    It is missing a join between students and sps. I think you mean:

    select, s.paperid
    from students st join
         sps s
         on st.studentid = sps.studentid join
         papers p
         on p.paperid = sps.paperid
    where p.type='optional' and st.course=1

    However, without seeing the structure of the tables, it is hard to say if this is the right query.