For Binary serialization I use
public ClassConstructor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt) { = (OtherClass)info.GetValue("Object", typeof(OtherClass));
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt) {
info.AddValue("Object", this.object);
I want to make the same thing for XML serialization (class implements IXmlSerializable interface, because of private property setters), but I don't know how to put an object to serializer (XmlWriter object).
public void WriteXml( XmlWriter writer ) {
writer.WriteAttributeString( "Name", Name );
writer. ... Write object, but how ???
public void ReadXml( XmlReader reader ) {
this.Name = reader.GetAttribute( "Name" );
this.object = reader. ... how to read ??
probably I can use something like this
XmlSerializer xsSubmit = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyObject));
var subReq = new MyObject();
StringWriter sww = new StringWriter();
XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sww);
xsSubmit.Serialize(writer, subReq);
var xml = sww.ToString(); // Your xml
but maybe there is simpler method that uses only XmlWriter object I get from WriteXml method argument
I've decided to go the way I wrote my question - to use XmlWriter object, which i have to use anyway, even if I go Ofer Zelig's way.
namespace System.Xml.Serialization {
public static class XmlSerializationExtensions {
public static readonly XmlSerializerNamespaces EmptyXmlSerializerNamespace = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(
new XmlQualifiedName[] {
new XmlQualifiedName("") } );
public static void WriteElementObject( this XmlWriter writer, string localName, object o ) {
writer.WriteStartElement( localName );
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer( o.GetType() );
xs.Serialize( writer, o, EmptyXmlSerializerNamespace );
public static T ReadElementObject< T >( this XmlReader reader ) {
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer( typeof( T ) );
T retval = (T)xs.Deserialize( reader );
return retval;