Given a class:
public class BaseGameView : OpenTK.Platform.iPhoneOS.iPhoneOSGameView {
Constructing BaseGameView
at runtime will throw System.Exception: Failed to find selector layerClass... This is easily resolved by adding the following to the class definition:
[Export ("layerClass")]
public static new Class GetLayerClass()
return iPhoneOSGameView.GetLayerClass();
This is not so undesirable until I derive another class as follows:
public class DerivedGameView : BaseGameView {
Constructing the DerivedGameView
also throws the same exception unless I Export("layerClass") from that class as well.
How can I DRY this out? I have a handful of these derived views and they all have to have the same snippet of code exporting the layer class... I'd rather not repeat it.
A related question is:
Why is this not necessary for a class simply derived from UIView
This is currently a limitation inside MonoTouch - static methods from base classes aren't exported.
I have filed a bug report for this: - you can CC yourself on this bug to get notified when it's fixed.