I'm using ffmpeg to compile videos, and I'd like to prevent it from displaying a console when performing actions.
Here's how I start ffmpeg:
ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo();
si.Arguments = string.Format("-y -loop 1 -t " + DucationToString(frameDuration) + " -r 25 -f image2 -i \"{0}\" \"{1}\"",
item.Value, otpt);
si.FileName = "ffmpeg";
si.UseShellExecute = false;
No matter the settings I try in ProcessStartInfo
, the console always shows up.
How do I prevent the console from being shown when creating child process?
You should try to use
ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo();
si.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
si.CreateNoWindow = true;
si.UseShellExecute = false;