I'd like to learn how to grab information from a FITS file header and transfer that information to an ascii table. For example, this is how I would obtain the info.:
import pyfits
a = pyfits.open('data.fits')
header = a[0].header # Which should return something like this (It is BinHDUlist)
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standards
/ institution responsible for creating this file
TELESCOP= 'Kepler ' / telescope
INSTRUME= 'Kepler Photometer' / detector type
OBJECT = 'KIC 8631743' / string version of KEPLERID
RA_OBJ = 294.466516 / [deg] right ascension
DEC_OBJ = 44.751131 / [deg] declination
How could I create an ASCII table that contains RA_OBJ and DEC_OBJ ?
EDIT: I'd like to create a .dat file that contains two columns (RA and DEC) from the headers. Here is an example of what I am trying:
import asciitable
import asciidata
import pyfits
import numpy as np
# Here I have taken all the fits files in my current directory and did the following:
# ls > z.txt so that all the fits files are in one place.
a = asciidata.open('z.txt')
i = 0 #There are 371 fits files in z.txt
while i<=370:
b = pyfits.open(a[0][i])
h = b[0].header
RA = np.array([h['RA_OBJ']])
DEC = np.array(h['DEC_OBJ']])
asciitable.write({'RA': RA, 'DEC': DEC}, 'coordinates.dat', names=['RA', 'DEC'])
i = i+1
I'd like for this to write a .dat file containing something like this:
### ###
... ...
... ...
... ...
Instead, my code just writes over the keys of the previous files. Any ideas?
I think you might benefit from reading the pyfits documentation more carefully. The header attribute is a pyfits.header.Header
object, which is a dictionary-like object. So you can do something like:
import pyfits
hdulist = pyfits.open("data.fits")
header = hdulist[0].header
for k in keys:
print k, "=", header[k]
You can add more fancy outputting, put the resulting string in variable, checking for missing keys, etc.
Here's how this could be coupled with asciitable
and numpy
import asciitable
import numpy as np
keys = ['RA', 'DEC']
data = {}
# Initialize "data" with empty lists for each key
for k in keys:
data[k] = []
# Collect all data in the "data" dictionary
for i in range(0, 50):
asciitable.write(data, "coords.dat", names=keys)