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Making an Ascii table from a FITS file header

I'd like to learn how to grab information from a FITS file header and transfer that information to an ascii table. For example, this is how I would obtain the info.:

import pyfits
a ='data.fits')
header = a[0].header # Which should return something like this (It is  BinHDUlist)
SIMPLE  =                T / conforms to FITS standards                    
                               / institution responsible for creating this file 
TELESCOP= 'Kepler  '           / telescope                                      
INSTRUME= 'Kepler Photometer'  / detector type                                  
OBJECT  = 'KIC 8631743'        / string version of KEPLERID                     
RA_OBJ  =           294.466516 / [deg] right ascension                          
DEC_OBJ =            44.751131 / [deg] declination                              

How could I create an ASCII table that contains RA_OBJ and DEC_OBJ ?

EDIT: I'd like to create a .dat file that contains two columns (RA and DEC) from the headers. Here is an example of what I am trying:

import asciitable
import asciidata
import pyfits
import numpy as np

# Here I have taken all the fits files in my current directory and did the following:
# ls > z.txt so that all the fits files are in one place.

a ='z.txt')
i = 0 #There are 371 fits files in z.txt
while i<=370:
    b =[0][i])
    h = b[0].header
    RA = np.array([h['RA_OBJ']])
    DEC = np.array(h['DEC_OBJ']])
    asciitable.write({'RA': RA, 'DEC': DEC}, 'coordinates.dat', names=['RA', 'DEC'])
    i = i+1

I'd like for this to write a .dat file containing something like this:

###   ###
...   ...
...   ...
...   ...

Instead, my code just writes over the keys of the previous files. Any ideas?


  • I think you might benefit from reading the pyfits documentation more carefully. The header attribute is a pyfits.header.Header object, which is a dictionary-like object. So you can do something like:

    import pyfits
    hdulist ="data.fits")
    header = hdulist[0].header
    for k in keys:
        print k, "=", header[k]

    You can add more fancy outputting, put the resulting string in variable, checking for missing keys, etc.


    Here's how this could be coupled with asciitable and numpy:

    import asciitable
    import numpy as np
    keys = ['RA', 'DEC']
    data = {}
    # Initialize "data" with empty lists for each key
    for k in keys:
        data[k] = []
    # Collect all data in the "data" dictionary
    for i in range(0, 50):
    asciitable.write(data, "coords.dat", names=keys)