What options are there to implement an own session management in PHP?
Is there a nice way to implement a component which performs all session tasks? How can i construct a class which receives the HTTP Request and Response during one request process? I only found the option "session_save_handler" which seems to define the storage handler. What I need is to replace the whole session management. Is there another way using the PHP configuration or do I have to implement my own controller which receives all requests and calls my session management?
Thanks for your help
Regards Michael
No, I'm sorry to say, there is no interface to switch the built in 'modules' to your own. There are some hooks ( e.g: session_save_handler(), set_error_handler()
), and that's unfortunately it.
The $_SESSION is a 'super global' and should IMO not be set directly either way if you're working on a bigger projects. Then it would be better to use a custom class responsible for handling sessions. Will make the code easier to debug and such on.