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How to retrieve data from SSAS Cube using EDMX?

I was given a cube with all relevant information. Now, I want to query cube and get the data through .net EDMX framework.

Could anyone help me out from where I should start on this? I am really confused and have no idea how to use MDX with edmx.

Is it possible to get the data from Cubes without using MDX using EDMX with LINQ?


  • It's not possible currently, there is a company who do a version of LinqToMdx, I think they've posted on here before, I don't think they go via the EDMX route exactly.

    Standard method in .Net is ADOMD.Net

    A nice way of getting data is via the CellSet class, as it contains cells of both the native value and the formatted string for measures:

        CellSet adomdCellSet;
        using (var adomdConnection = new AdomdConnection())
            adomdConnection.ConnectionString = "YourConnectionString";
            var adomdCommand = adomdConnection.CreateCommand();
            adomdCommand.CommandText = "YourMDXQuery";
            adomdCellSet = adomdCommand.ExecuteCellSet();
        return adomdCellSet;

    Edit: Found the site of the guys who wrote a provider - I can't vouch for them as I've never used it, but it looks interesting