I have a data table like this:
Employee1 Product1 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee1 Product1 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee1 Product2 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee1 Product2 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee2 Product2 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
Employee2 Product2 ProductGroup1 Quantity SalesDate
There are multiple employees, multiple products, multiple product groups, multiple sales dates. In Reporting servises i have a matrix, where parent group is employee, child group is Product and column group is sales date. I need to rank products, in order to get first 5 and put other in other list.
Problem is, that i have to rank product inside employee group and product can have multiple sales dates, while i need to evalue everything.
In SQL now i have: Rank() Over (partition by DataTable.ProductGroup1, DataTable.Employee Order by Sum(Quantity) desc) as Rank
But that gives me wrong result, because same product has different rank value, because rank function ranks using quantity in different sales dates. how should i write sql, so it returns me data wilth all sales dates, bus ranks using quantity summed from all dates?
Some datasets to explain what i get and what i need.
Employee_col Product_col ProductGroup_col Quantity_col SalesDate_col
Employee1 Product1 ProductGroup1 100 2012-01
Employee1 Product1 ProductGroup1 200 2012-02
Employee1 Product2 ProductGroup1 50 2012-01
Employee1 Product2 ProductGroup1 80 2012-02
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 200 2012-01
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 70 2012-02
Employee2 Product2 ProductGroup1 20 2012-01
Employee2 Product2 ProductGroup1 450 2012-02
Employee_col Product_col ProductGroup_col Quantity_col SalesDate_col Rank_col
Employee1 Product1 ProductGroup1 100 2012-01 2
Employee1 Product1 ProductGroup1 200 2012-02 1
Employee1 Product2 ProductGroup1 50 2012-01 4
Employee1 Product2 ProductGroup1 80 2012-02 3
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 200 2012-01 2
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 70 2012-02 3
Employee2 Product2 ProductGroup1 20 2012-01 4
Employee2 Product2 ProductGroup1 450 2012-02 1
Employee_col Product_col ProductGroup_col Quantity_col SalesDate_col Rank_col
Employee1 Product1 ProductGroup1 100 2012-01 1
Employee1 Product1 ProductGroup1 200 2012-02 1
Employee1 Product2 ProductGroup1 50 2012-01 2
Employee1 Product2 ProductGroup1 80 2012-02 2
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 200 2012-01 2
Employee2 Product1 ProductGroup1 70 2012-02 2
Employee2 Product2 ProductGroup1 20 2012-01 1
Employee2 Product2 ProductGroup1 450 2012-02 1
Try this query
#t.*, salesrank
from #t
inner join
select Employee, Product, RANK() over (partition by employee order by sq desc) as salesrank
(select Employee, Product , SUM (Quantity) sq from #t group by Employee, product) v
) v
on #t.product = v.product
and #t.Employee =v.Employee