Say I have only two flags (bCold and bHot) that are getting set. I've discovered what all possible combinations should equal. How then can I determine what the original (or compatible) constants would be from the below?
When bCold and bHot are both turned ON = 0x4100
When bCold and bHot are both turned OFF = 0x8200
If bCold is ON and bHOT is OFF = 0x8100
If bCold is OFF and bHOT is ON = 0x4200
Knowing the above, what should I set bCold and bHot to equal?
#define bCold ((ULONG)0x???)
#define bHot ((ULONG)0x???)
// Turn them on sometime later
long lCONFIG_FLAGS = bCold | bHOT;
Let's say that 0bXXXXXXXY
means binary where Y is the less significant bit.
Assuming the result is set with bitwise operations:
Your numbers are made of two bytes. The right (less significant) byte is always 0b00000000, since all numbers end with 00. Lets look at the left (more significant) byte:
When bCold and bHot are both turned ON =
When bCold and bHot are both turned OFF =
If bCold is ON and bHOT is OFF =
If bCold is OFF and bHOT is ON =
From this you can see that the two left-most bits set the bHot, and the two rightmost bits set the bCold (right = less significant).
0b01000000 = *bHot* ON -= `0x40`
0b00000001 = *bCold* ON = `0x01`
0b10000000 = *bHot* OFF = `0x80`
0b00000010 = *bCold* OFF = `0x02`
Now, add the right byte, which we said is always zero, and you get
*bHot* ON = 0x4000, OFF = 0x8000
*bCold* ON = 0x0100, OFF = 0x0200
The result is set by bitwise "OR"
Assuming the result is set by simply adding numbers:
(which is wrong, because your post name include the bitwise OR mention, but still let's try it just for fun) A simple equation will show us these figures:
*bCold* OFF: 0x0200, ON: 0x0100
*bHot* OFF: 0x8000, ON: 0x4000
The result could be set by simply adding the numbers, e.g. 0x0200 + 0x8000 = 0x8200
for both OFF.
As you can see, so the final result is:
*bCold* OFF: 0x0200, ON: 0x0100
*bHot* OFF: 0x8000, ON: 0x4000