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WPF DataGrid sorts columns by name

I have a Datagrid that gets as Itemssource a DataTable:

dataGrid.ItemsSource = transfer.DataTarget.Table.DefaultView;

But now the main problem is that he resorts the columns by name. As example: I have a Table with this Columns: X Y Z U V

I get displayed: U V X Y Z

How can I disable that. I also tried thisone:

private void LoadTransfer(Transfer transfer)
    dataGrid.ItemsSource = transfer.DataTarget.Table.DefaultView;
    //spalten selbst genererieren damit diese nicht nach alphabeth geordnet werden
    int index = 0;
    foreach (DataColumn column in transfer.DataTarget.Table.Columns)
        dataGrid.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn()
            Header = column.ColumnName,
            Binding = new Binding(column.ColumnName),
            DisplayIndex = index++


  • Create a new property that holds the weighting of the values represented as integers. Then on the Column with the sorting issue set it's SortMemberPath to that property.