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PHP preg_replace_callback with more than one regular expression

Hello guys i have the follow code on php

return preg_replace_callback("#\{gallery: '(.+?)'\}#i", 
        $oGallery = new Gallery( $i[1] );
    }, $string);

Now i want to add the following to it:

Say that that i want to allow the user to choose if he wants to add directories to the gallery so i do:

"#\{gallery: '(.+?)' dir: '(.+?)')\}#i"

so the user has the potion to do: {gallery: 'folder'} or {gallery: 'folder' dir: '1'}

how would i go about doing this in terms of regular expressions so the replacement takes place even if the directory option isnt there? thanks in advance!


  • Make it optional

    "#\{gallery: '(.+?)'(?: dir: '(.+?)')?\}#i"

    (?:text) creates a non-capturing group

    adding ? after the group makes it optional