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Database migration tool for webapp2

I'm new to webapp2 and GAE. I'm wondering, do I must declare all database tables necessarily for my models? I do not mind writing SQL by hand. But I do not want reinvent the wheel. Is there any db migration tool for Webapp2?


I have a models:

import logging                                             
from google.appengine.ext import db                        
from google.appengine.api import rdbms                     

_INSTANCE_NAME = 'webosteam1:webosteamdb'                  
_DataBase = 'webosdb'                                      

class Usr(db.Model):                                       
    usrID = db.IntegerProperty()                           
    usrName = db.StringProperty()                          
    usr = db.UserProperty()                                
    loginType = db.IntegerProperty()                       
    usrType = db.IntegerProperty()                         
    geoLoc = db.ReferenceProperty(GeoLoc) #GeoLoc reference
    dateCreated = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)   

# E.T.C...

When I start dev-server locally I have an error:

Connecting to MySQL with kwargs {'passwd': '', 'db': 'webosdb', 'unix_socket':   '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', 'host': 'localhost', 'user': '', 'port': 3306}
CRITICAL 2012-07-16 20:47:08,203] MySQL connection failed! Ensure  that you have provided correct values for the --mysql_* flags when running

After I pass right keys for my locally MySQL database I have an errors about this database is empty. So I thinking about how it all works?


  • So now I assume you are using Google Cloud Sql, and you are having troubles testing your app in the development server.

    Please follow the example provided here to find how to work with a local database in the development environment.