I need to store benchmark runs for each nightly builds. To do this, i came up with the following data model.
BenchmarkColumnFamily= {
build_1: {
(Run1, TPS) : 1000K
(Run1, Latency) : 0.5ms
(Run2, TPS) : 1000K
(Run2, Latency) : 0.5ms
(Run3, TPS) : 1000K
(Run3, Latency) : 0.5ms
build_2: {
To create such a schema, i came up with the following command on cassandra-cli:
create column family BenchmarkColumnFamily with
comparator = 'CompositeType(UTF8Type,UTF8Type)' AND
key_validation_class=UTF8Type AND
default_validation_class=UTF8Type AND
column_metadata = [
{column_name: TPS, validation_class: UTF8Type}
{column_name: Latency, validation_class: UTF8Type}
Does the above command create the schema i intend to create? The reason for my confusion is that, when i insert data into the above CF using:
set BenchmarkColumnFamily['1545']['TPS']='100';
it gets inserted successfully even though the comparator type is composite. Furthermore, even the following command gets executed successfully
set BenchmarkColumnFamily['1545']['Run1:TPS']='1000';
What is it that im missing?
I don't think you're doing anything wrong. The CLI is parsing the strings for values based on the type, probably using org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType<T>.fromString()
. And for Composite types, it uses ':' as field separator (not that I've seen documented, but I've experimented with Java code to convince myself.
Without a ':', it seems to just set the first part of the Composite, and leave the second as null. To set the second only, you can use
set BenchmarkColumnFamily['1545'][':NOT_TPS']='999';
From the CLI, dump out the CF:
list BenchmarkColumnFamily;
and you should see all the names (for all the rows), e.g.
RowKey: 1545
=> (column=:NOT_TPS, value=999, timestamp=1342474086048000)
=> (column=Run1:TPS, value=1000, timestamp=1342474066695000)
=> (column=TPS, value=100, timestamp=1342474057824000)
There is no way (via CLI) to constrain the composite elements to be non-null or specific values, that's something you'd have to do in code.
Also, the column_metadata option for the CF creation is unnecessary, since you've already listed the default validation as UTF8Type.