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Eclipse Juno: Missing the "Classic Update"

In my project we control the plug-ins through the "Manage Configuration" possibility. Downloaded plu-ins etc. are loaded thorugh an extension point from a file location (managed by SVN)

This has proven to be a reliable way of making sure all developers in a team share the same configuration.

I am now updating our project to Juno, and even after enabling the "Classic Update" in preferences, the menu item Help->Software Update->Manage Configuration is missing.

It also seems to be missing in the documentation for juno at

Any help?


  • The Update Manager was deprecated a while ago, and has finally been removed in Juno (4.2). You can use the p2 director to perform command-line based installs.

    There are other command line apps that can assist with mirroring features in existing update sites to a local directory that can be shared within a company or creating a composite repo that points off to multiple separate update sites (kinda one-stop-shopping) and even publishers that can take featuers and plugins without metadata and prep them for use with the p2 director.

    EDIT: A quick tour of options is available here: