This problem has stopped development, and I can't figure out what's wrong. I'm not clear on how flex is connecting these two unrelated events. The Some1 Sprite dispatches a Some1Event.MOUSE_UP event on a MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP while stopping propagation of the MouseEvent. The parent of Some1, Some2 similarly dispatches a Some2Event.MOUSE_UP while stopping the MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP on Some2. The coercion error is between Some2Event and Some1Event. With this error I've tried the other #1034 solutions:
I've also tried the following code:
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
private var systemManager:SystemManager=new SystemManager;
private function addEventTracer():void
systemManager.addEventListener(Some1Event.MOUSE_UP, eventTracer, true);
private function eventTracer(event:Event):void
trace("Got ", event.type, "from",, "as",
but it didn't report anything.
While dispatching the event Some2Event, I get the error
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ::Some2Event@117c6c831 to Some1Event.
at ::Some2/mouseUpHandler()[]
The code is structured as Some2 (Sprite) has many children of Some1 (Sprite). In Some2, I am listening for a MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP event on the Some1 Sprite, and in that listener, stopping the propagation, and dispatching a custom Some2Event:
private function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
var ev:Some2Event=new Some2Event(Some2Event.MOUSE_UP);
In Some2, I have the following registered event listeners:
private function registerListeners():void
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler); //detects mouse up on Some2 Sprite
addEventListener(Some1Event.MOUSE_UP, some1MouseUpHandler); //detects mouse up on Some1 Sprite, custom event, Some1 mouse up stopped in Some1
addEventListener(Event.ADDED, addedHandler); //detecting add of child Some1
The Some1Event and the Some2Event are nearly the same:
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Some1Event extends Event
public static const MOUSE_DOWN:String = "MOUSE_DOWN";
public static const MOUSE_UP:String = "MOUSE_UP";
public var node:Sprite;
public function Some1Event(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=true, cancelable:Boolean=false)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
public override function clone():Event
return new Some1Event(type, bubbles, cancelable);
and Some2Event:
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Some2Event extends Event
public static const MOUSE_DOWN:String = "MOUSE_DOWN";
public static const MOUSE_UP:String = "MOUSE_UP";
public var node2:Sprite;
public function Some2Event(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=true, cancelable:Boolean=false)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
public override function clone():Event
return new Some2Event(type, bubbles, cancelable);
Any help is definitely appreciated.
Constants in Some1Event:
public static const MOUSE_DOWN:String = "MOUSE_DOWN";
public static const MOUSE_UP:String = "MOUSE_UP";
Constants in Some2Event:
public static const MOUSE_DOWN:String = "MOUSE_DOWN";
public static const MOUSE_UP:String = "MOUSE_UP";
The constant value is the same in each case. 'MOUSE_DOWN' or 'MOUSE_UP' . How do you expect Flex to tell the difference between the two? It can't! Change the constant values to be unique
In Some1Event:
public static const MOUSE_DOWN:String = "MOUSE_DOWN_SOME1";
public static const MOUSE_UP:String = "MOUSE_UP_SOME1";
In Some2Event:
public static const MOUSE_DOWN:String = "MOUSE_DOWN_SOME2";
public static const MOUSE_UP:String = "MOUSE_UP_SOME2";
Now Flex will view the two events as different / unique and won't call a listener for one event when the other is dispatched.