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Maven project showing as pomUpdated instead of jar

I am using Eclipse with m2e. I have one ProjectA that is built as a Maven project and is packaged as a Jar. When I add ProjectA as a dependency in ProjectB, it is showing up as packaging .pomUpdated instead of Jar. I am using the feature 'Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects'.

Any ideas? I've tried forcing updates/snapshots and a bunch of other things, but nothing has fixed the problem. I've had this work successfully before with other projects referencing ProjectA, but this time it's not working.


The issue turns out to be that ProjectA not building, but I can't figure out why. Apparently it is having trouble finding its parent project on my Nexus server, but I have it setup to find the parent using a relative path, which should mean it will find it locally, right? Why would it be looking at Nexus instead?

Failure to find com.foobar:MyProject:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT in
http://myserver/nexus/content/groups/public was cached in the local 
repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus has 
elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]


I fixed the issue with ProjectA not building, but now I'm back to only seeing pomUpdated available for ProjectB to use... very frustrating!


  • The issue was with my Sonatype Nexus setup being incorrect.