I am still collecting information but it seems that i can't figure out what the difference of those two frameworks are.
Currently I am using webapp2 with jinja2 and wtforms. It comes right out of the box in GAE and works fine.
If i compare flask and webapp2 i can only see that flask has jinja and wtforms already integrated, so no big deal there.
If i compare the two docs it seems that both frameworks have much in common
Just have some start problems with flask to get in running locally on my windows machine.
At least the docu of flask seems to be very nice. It's really nice written and very clear.
I already searched around the web and i could not find any information about the differences.
Flask vs webapp2 for Google App Engine
So , what are the differences ?
Flask abstracts a bit more away than webapp2 does. It's (optionally) function-based, so you don't need to make handler classes for everything. The decorator syntax used for route handling is a bit more succinct. All in all, though, they're equally powerful and anything you can do in one you can do in the other. If you already know webapp2, there's no reason I can think of to start using Flask.