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Cap deploy - ERROR: Repository not found

I've inherited a project and am comfortable with the development side of things, but have poor sysops, and the Capistrano deploy is failing. For a project that has been deployed before by the previous dev:

cap deploy:check

runs fine, resulting in

You appear to have all necessary dependencies installed

But when I try to deploy, I get

ERROR: Repository not found.

I have:

  • Triple checked the github repo address
  • Confirmed I can push and pull fine from the repo on my local machine
  • Confirmed I can connect fine from the server to github via SSH
  • Confirmed I can clone the repo fine on the server
  • Tried with agent forwarding both on and off
  • Confirmed the repo path matches in .git/config and config/deploy.rb

At the moment, when agent forwarding off, the SSH into github from the server is returning the info for the previous dev, who still has access to the github repo.

Hi xxxxxx! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

When agent forwarding is on, I show as being the authenticated user.

Any tips on resolving this? More than happy for a decent URL that goes through troubleshooting this.


  • OK, figured it out by a process of elimination. It was the following line in 'deploy.rb'

    set :deploy_via, "remote_cache"

    When this is commented out it deploys fine. If I uncomment it, it breaks again with the same error. So that certainly seems to be the problem.

    I have no idea why this would be happening. But for now, I'll close this.