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Why am I missing soyDocs for my soy template?

Plovr is raises a compile-time exception when I try to compile this soy template.

// Copyright 2012 David Faux
 * @overview Lays out the home page.

{namespace templates.home}

 * Lays out the home page.
{template .main}
  <h1>Hi! Welcome to my experimental page.</h1>
  <img src="/images/logo.png" alt="" id="homeLogo" />

Here is the error raised.

template templates.home.main: Not all code is in Soy V2 syntax
(missing SoyDoc for template {template .main}).

Why am I missing soy docs for this template?


  • The Closure Templates documentation for file structure states:

    Precede each template with a SoyDoc comment that explains the purpose of the template, in the same style as JavaDoc.

    JavaDoc comments must start with the begin-comment delimiter /** as shown in How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool under Format of a Doc Comment.

    The template example above is missing the second asterisk in the SoyDoc comment. It should look as follows:

     * Lays out the home page.
    {template .main}
      <h1>Hi! Welcome to my experimental page.</h1>
      <img src="/images/logo.png" alt="" id="homeLogo" />