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Display items based on user

I am running Virtuemart 1.1.9 on top of Joomla 1.5.25.

How can I display items based on the user that is logged in??

For example, I've set up 2 Shopper groups, for each shopper group, I've set up 2 of the same individual products with different prices for each shopper group.   For example, let me expand:-  'Shopper Group A' belongs to product list of 'Product A' and 'Shopper Group B' belongs to product list of 'Product B'.  The public (non-logged and with no special shopper group privileges) can only see 'Shopper Group A' with products belonging to 'Product A' and no other shopper group can see other shopper group products.  Now when someone who belongs to 'Shopper Group B' logs in, they will only be seeing products belonging to 'Product B' and nothing else.  This all works very well and as predicted.

AHIA, LarryR....


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