I have a JMS queue published by a third party. I want to setup multiple consumers on different machines, with only one particular machine's consumer, acknowledging messages on that queue. In short, if a particular machine's consumer does not receive the message, then that message should not be removed from queue. Is this achievable ?
Okay, you might have your reasons for this setup and it's easy to achieve.
I would go with local session transactions. It is rather easy to commit or rollback the transactions acording to some critera, such as which server is consuming the message. If rolled back, the message will end up first in the queue again.
Sample code might look like this:
public class MyConsumer implements MessageListener{
Session sess;
public void init(Connection conn, Destination dest){
// connection and destination from JNDI, or some other method.
sess = conn.createSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer cons = sess.createConsumer(dest);
public void onMessage(Message msg) {
// Do whatever with message
private boolean isThisTheSpecialServer(){
// figure out if this server should delete messages or not
If you are doing this inside a Java EE container with JTA and you are using UserTransactions, you could just call UserTransaction.setRollBack(); or if you are using declarative transactions you could just throw a Runtime exception to make the transaction fail and rollback the message to the queue, once you have read the message and done things. Note that database changes will roll back as well with this approach (if you are using JTA and not local JMS transactions).
You should really do this using transactions, not acknowledgement.
A summary of this topic (for ActiveMQ, but written generally for JMS) is found here. http://activemq.apache.org/should-i-use-transactions.html
I don't know if this behaviour is consistent with all JMS implementations, but for ActiveMQ if you try to use a non transacted session with Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, then it will not really behave as you expect. A message that has been read, but not acknowledged, is still on the queue, but will not get "released" and delivered to other JMS consumers until the connection is broken to the first consumer (i.e. connection.close(), a crash or similar).
Using local transactions, you can controll this by session.commit() and session.rollback() explicitly. I see no real point in not using transactions. Acknowledgement is just there to guarantee delivery.