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Perlin Noise to Percentage

I'm coding a map generator based on a perlin noise and ran into a problem:

Lets say I would want 30% water and 70% dirt tiles. With a usual random generator there is no problem:

tile = rnd.nextFloat() < 0.7f ? DIRT : WATER;

But a perlin noise is normal distributed (ranges from -1 to 1, mean at 0) so it's not that easy.

Does anyone know a way to transform a normal to an uniform distribution or a different way I could get a percentage from a noise value?

EDIT: The 70% are just an example, I'd want to be able to use any value dynamically, at best with 0.1% precision.

EDIT2: I want to transformate perlin noise to a uniform distribution, not to normal (which it already is alike).


  • A solution I figured out: Firstly, I generate 100,000,000 perlin noises and store them in an array. I sort it, and afterwards I can take every 10,000 value as a threshold for one per mille. Now I can hardcode these thresholds, so I've just an array with 1,000 floats for lookup at runtime.


    It's really fast, as it's just one array access at runtime.


    If you change the algorithm, you have to regenerate your threshold array. Secondly, the mean scales to about 10 per mille, making a 50% threshold either 49.5% or 50.5% (depending on whether you use < or <= comperator). Thirdly, the increased memory footprint (4kb with per mill precision). You can reduce it by using percent precision or a logarithmic precision scale.

    Generation code:

    final PerlinNoiseGenerator perlin = new PerlinNoiseGenerator(new Random().nextInt());
    final int size = 10000; //Size gets sqared, so it's actually 100,000,000
    final float[] values = new float[size * size];
    for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < size; y++) {
            final float value = perlin.noise2(x / 10f, y / 10f);
            values[x * size + y] = value;
    final float[] steps = new float[1000];
    steps[999] = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++)
        steps[i] = values[size * size / 1000 * (i + 1)];
    System.out.println("Calculated steps");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
            System.out.print(steps[i * 100 + j] + "f, "); //Output usuable for array initialization

    Lookup code:

    public final static float[] perlinThresholds = new float[]{}; //Initialize it with the generated thresholds.
    public static float getThreshold(float percent) {
        return perlinThresholds[(int)(percent * 1000)];
    public static float getThreshold(int promill) {
        return perlinThresholds[promill];