So first of all I am sorry for asking this question. But the "Escape from Zurg" article helped me a lot and I could write my own solution to the Wolf Goat Cabbage Problem. I am positing my code below. I want you to tell me
It is an optimal and good solution to the problem
open System
The type direction determines which direction the human is present.
Left means that Human is present on the left side of the bank.
Right means human is present on the right side of the bank.
type Direction =
| Left
| Right
Master list of animals
let Animals = ["Wolf"; "Goat"; "Cabbage"]
let DeadlyCombinations = [["Wolf"; "Goat"];["Goat"; "Cabbage"];]
let isMoveDeadly list1 list2 =
List.exists (fun n -> n = list1) list2
let rec MoveRight animals =
match animals with
| [] -> []
| head::tail ->
if (isMoveDeadly tail DeadlyCombinations) then
MoveRight tail @ [head]
Console.WriteLine("Going to move " + head)
let ListDiff list1 list2 = List.filter (fun n -> List.forall (fun x -> x <> n) list1) list2
let MoveLeft animals =
let RightList = ListDiff animals Animals
let ShouldTakeAnimal = isMoveDeadly RightList DeadlyCombinations
if (ShouldTakeAnimal) then
let x = List.head RightList
Console.WriteLine("Going to move " + x + " back")
Console.WriteLine("Farmer goes back alone")
let rec Solve direction animals =
match animals with
| [] -> Console.WriteLine("Solved")
| _ ->
match direction with
| Left -> Solve Right (MoveRight animals)
| Right -> Solve Left (animals @ (MoveLeft animals))
let main args =
Solve Left Animals
The code looks pretty functional. There are a few changes I'd make. Firstly, I'd use sets to represent moves and there are also a few minor suggestions...
Representation. You're representing deadly combinations using a list, so ["Goat"; "Wolf"]
is not the same thing as ["Wolf"; "Goat"]
and if your algorithm generates move in the other order, it will not detect it as deadly move. You should try to find representations where this cannot happen, so I would change the representation to use sets:
let DeadlyCombinations = [set ["Wolf"; "Goat"]; set ["Goat"; "Cabbage"];]
In the isMoveDeadly
function, you can then convert the move to a set using (but maybe it would be better to change the code to use sets everywhere):
let move = set list1
Unnecessary generalization. Aside, the function isMoveDeadly
always takes DeadlyMoves
as the second argument, so I would not pass it as an argument (that is unneeded generalization) and I'd write:
let isMoveDeadly list =
let move = set list
DeadlyCombinations |> List.exists (fun n -> n = move)
Efficiency tip. In the MoveRight
function, you're using list @ [element]
pattern which is very inefficient. It means you need to copy the entire list
to append the element to the end. It is more efficient to add elements to the front using element::list
(less copying) and then reverse the list. I suppose you do not even need to reverse the list if you represent deadly moves as a set, so I'd write:
let rec MoveRight animals =
match animals with
| [] -> []
| head::tail ->
if (isMoveDeadly tail) then
head :: (MoveRight tail)
Console.WriteLine("Going to move " + head)
Representation (again). You implemented your own ListDiff
function to find out what animals are not in a given list. This suggests that using sets (instead of lists) would really be a better representation. If you switch to sets, you could use a built-in function Set.difference