I need to build an application which enables me to edit the build.prop by using my own application. This is to optimize some of the values in the build.prop. Of course, I can edit this file using a file manager with root access. But my problem is, I need to edit this using an application that I create, and make it easy for the novice users to edit the file with recommended settings by my application. Please help me figure out this. Thanks for you time!
Something like this should work. Code hasn't been tested and might need some changes
Requesting Superuser Access
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("mount -o remount rw /system/\n");
File file=new File("/system/build.prop");
Read file
FileInputStream fis = openFileInput("/system/build.prop");
String content = "";
byte[] input = new byte[fis.available()];
while (fis.read(input) != -1) {}
content += new String(input);
EDIT String content
Write file
DataOutputStream outstream= new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file,false));
String body = content;
Remember to backup your build.prop in-case something goes wrong during editing.