I am practising Koeing accelerated C++ , and want to verify my answer. Since there are no solutions available on net , I thought to post it here and ask experts view about my solution. I am not sure if people will like me to post it here. if not , please let me know and i will not do it in future. Also to mention, its not homework , its purely my desire to take my C++ skills to next level.
Question: Write a program to find all the palindromes in a dictionary. Next, find the longest palindrome.
What I have done so far -> I have defined function to test palindrome , also stored all words in a list. I have posted my code below.
Where I am stuck: I need advice , whether my choice of using list data structure over vector is good or not? Secondly, I am stuck how to display longest word. I can display longest length but not longest word.
my attempt below
bool palindromeTest( const std::string& input )
typedef std::string::size_type strSize;
strSize i = 0;
strSize j = input.size() - 1 ;
while( i < input.size() )
if ( input[i] != input[j])
return false;
return true;
int main()
// stores all words in a list or vector
std::list< string> listDict;
std::string readWord;
std::ifstream readFile( "/Users/apple/palidndrome-ch5-10/dict.txt" );
if( ! readFile )
std::cout <<" failed to open file" << std::endl;
return 0;
while( readFile >> readWord )
listDict.push_back( readWord );
std::string::size_type maxLen = 0 ;
std::string longestWord = " "; // to store longest palindrome
// print all the palindrome words and also which is longest palindrome.
for( std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = listDict.begin(); it != listDict.end(); ++it )
if( palindromeTest( *it ) )
std::cout <<" the word -> " << *it << " is palindrome" << std::endl;
// find max len of palindrome;
maxLen = max( maxLen, it->size() );
longestWord = *it ;// need to change code here ?? no idea how
std::cout <<" the maximum len is = " << maxLen << std::endl;
std::cout << " the word with maximum length is " << longestWord ; // something is wrong here
return 0;
Vectors and lists both work equally well here, though a vector is more efficient.
You can find the longest word by changing
maxLen = max( maxLen, it->size() );
longestWord = *it ;// need to change code here ?? no idea how
if (it->size() >= longestWord.size()) {longestWord = *it;}
(You don't actually need to keep track of maxlen since you can just call longestWord.size().)