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Why a reference is likely as an object?

Currently learning c++ and nowhere else better to ask something than to the experts of S.O. I Couldn't find more complete and better answers than here. So there it goes.

DWORD dw = 5;
cout << &dw;

Displays the address where the value of dw is stored.

But then why:

void Display(  DWORD &dwUserId )
    cout << dwUserId;

int _tmain( int argc, _TCHAR* argv[] )
    DWORD dw = 5;
    Display( dw );

Why on this example it is displayed the value of dw and not dw address?


  • & has two different meanings in this context:

    • placed in a declaration, it means the variable is a reference. In your case, you pass the parameter by reference.

    • outside a declaration, before a variable, it takes its address.

    Besides these, it can also mean the bitwise AND operator

    int x;
    int& y = x;  //y is a reference to x
    int* z = &x; //& takes the address of x and assigns it to z
    y & x;       //bitwise AND