I'm trying to implement facebook authentication in my app following this guide
I've followed all the steps but get the following error after hitting login.
Unknown action
The action 'facebook' could not be found for Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController
I've created the file omniauth_callbacks_controller in controllers/users. It has a facebook method defined. Any idea how I should debug?
Adding my routes file -
Myapp::Application.routes.draw do
get "static_pages/home"
get "static_pages/help"
get "static_pages/about"
devise_for :users do
resources :posts
root :to => 'static_pages#home'
devise_for :users, controllers: {omniauth_callbacks: "omniauth_callbacks"}
If you look at the guide it specifies this line for your routes file:
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :omniauth_callbacks => "users/omniauth_callbacks" }
where you have:
devise_for :users, controllers: {omniauth_callbacks: "omniauth_callbacks"}
see the difference?