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UIAlertView code errors

I'm creating a application for a iOS device but on the imagee below i have the some errors enter image description here

as you can see there all the same but i have only had them errors sense i added the code for the links (apple,google,yahoo,

im not to sure whats gone wrong but i would really appreciate if you can help and tell me what i need to change to stop them errors.

As you can see there is only on of the show alert code below but i do have the other 10 in Xcode i just didn't want to take up all the space but i have named them like

showAlertOO showAlert1 showAlert2 showAlert3 showAlert4 showAlert5 showAlert6 showAlert7 showAlert8 showAlert9

if you get what i mean

  - (void) showAlert {

        UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]

                              message:@"whats you name" 
                              otherButtonTitles:@"apple", @"google" , @"yahoo", nil]; 

        [alert show];

Ok so this is the code that i added to get my buttons to work and then this is what created them errors.

    -(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex{

if (buttonIndex == 1) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; 
    if (buttonIndex == 2) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; 
        if (buttonIndex == 3) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; 

all the code below is fine and i have no errors here i just wanted you guys to see the set up i have

 -(IBAction)plus {
        counter=counter + 1;
        count.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i",counter];
        if(counter == 100)
            [self showAlert];
        if(counter == 500)
            [self showAlert00];
        if(counter == 1000)
            [self showAlert1];
        if(counter == 2500)
            [self showAlert2];
        if(counter == 5000)
            [self showAlert3];
        if(counter == 7500)
            [self showAlert4];
        if(counter == 10000)
            [self showAlert5];
        if(counter == 15000)
            [self showAlert6];
        if(counter == 20000)
            [self showAlert7];
        if(counter == 25000)
            [self showAlert8];
        if(counter == 30000)
            [self showAlert9];
        if(counter == 35000)
            [self showAlert10];

    -(IBAction)zero {
        count.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i",counter];

    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        count.text = @"0";
            [super viewDidLoad];


thank you very much for your time.


  • Did you declare the selectors 'showAlert' ... 'showAlert10' before actually using them?. If not, you could declare them in a private category (at the top of your .m file).

    By the way... i strongly recommend that you use descriptive names, instead of 'showAlert5'. That could eventually save you some time going backwards and forward... and not just for this, i mean, everywhere in your code.