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Saving attachments from through ScriptingBridge (Objective C)

I'm trying to retrieve attachments from through scriptingbridge. I'm using the following code to get access to my inbox messages.

MailApplication *mailApp = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
MailMailbox *inbox = [mailApp inbox];
SBElementArray *messages = [inbox messages];

By iterating over the SBElementArray, I can access an individual MailMessage object.

Each MailMessage object has a getter that retrieves another SBElementArray, this time filled with MailMailAttachment objects.

It's working, because if I put a NSLog(@"count:%lu",mailitem.attachments.count); it will print the correct amount of attachments. File name and size are also correct printed.

But when I iterate over the attachments array and save it, nothing happens.

NSURL *url = [[NSURL new] initFileURLWithPath:@"/Users/usr/Documents/tmp/"];
for (MailMailAttachment *attachment in mailitem.attachments) {
   [attachment saveIn:url as:MailSaveableFileFormatNativeFormat];

I didn't found any documentation about this method. From header file, it says:

- (void) saveIn:(NSURL *)in_ as:(MailSaveableFileFormat)as;  // Save a document.

I'm assuming that the NSURL is the place in which I want to store the file, but I have no idea about MailSaveableFileFormat. I'm passing MailSaveableFileFormatNativeFormat, that I found on header file, but as I said, nothing happens. Not even a simple error message.

I also tried to initialize the NSURL with a directory and a complete filepath (path + filename). Same result.

Does anyone has an example? How do I save it?




  • I managed to solve the problem. I was initializing NSURL wrong... The code that worked is:

    for (MailMailAttachment *attachment in mailitem.attachments) {
       NSString *filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",@"/Users/usr/Documents/tmp/",];
       NSURL *fileUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
       [attachment saveIn:fileUrl as:MailSaveableFileFormatNativeFormat];