I have a class representing a table on database that is defined:
public class MyClass{
public int MyClassId{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public string LastNamw{get;set;}
public DateTime From{get;set;}
public DateTime To{get;set;}
On which I want to run some search query against oracle database.
Now the question is :
var list = context.MyClass
.Where(x => x.From>= FromMyDate)
.Where(x => x.To <= ToMyDate);
var list = context.MyClass
.Where(x => x.From>= FromMyDate && x.To <= ToMyDate);
Is it better to use multiple rows with where condition or one? And why... please
As far as I understand, I use multiple where clauses when I want to search on result of the first condition.
I will be following John Skeet answer as posted by Vossad01.