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LoadSkin loop error

This is my LoadSkin view helper. I use this class to call the CSS files within an XML. See below:

public function loadSkin($skin)
    $skinData = new Zend_Config_Xml('./skins/' . $skin . '/skin.xml');
    $stylesheets = $skinData->stylesheets->stylesheet->toArray();

        foreach($stylesheets as $stylesheet)
            echo $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/skins/' . $skin . 
                    '/css/' . $stylesheet);

But i have one problem, i have 3 CSS files:

  • default.css
  • text.css
  • form.css

But the loop is wrong. First he takes the default.css. After he takes default.css and text.css. And finally he takes default.css, text.css and form.css. But i need only one loop working correctly.

Look below what's happen:

Someone can help with this?


  • That's because you are echoing inside foreach loop . HeadLink view helper is container in each iteration of loop you had appended/added css int it , as a result in each echo you are echoing the whole container which contains all the previous added css hence do this instead

            foreach($stylesheets as $stylesheet)
                 $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/skins/' . $skin . 
                        '/css/' . $stylesheet);

    Then in your layout.phtml inside do

    <?echo $this->headLink() ?>