I have an accounting question regarding property management.
Step 1: Residential Owner: Peter
I charge Peter $200 for month management fee. So:
Type Name Debit Account Credit Account Amount
------ ----- ------------------ -------------- ------
Charge Peter Management Income Acc Receivable 200.00
Step 2:
I charge Peter $50 for Gas Utilities. So:
Type Name Debit Account Credit Account Amount
------ ----- ------------------ -------------- ------
Charge Peter Utilities Income Acc Receivable 50.00
Here my balance for Acc Receivable = 250 and Management Income = 200 And Utilities Income = 50.
Now, Peter is going to pay me $200 for the management fee... so
Step 3:
Type Name Debit Account Credit Account Amount
------ ----- ------------------ -------------- ------
Payment Peter Acc Receivable Management Income 200
Here my balance for Acc Receivable = 50, Management Income = 0 and Utilities Income = 50
I have seen that the payment automaticaly generates another record in the Undeposited Funds because is money I received but that has not been deposited in the bank yet.
My question is what is the Debit Account and Credit Account for that transaction or how can I handle it.
Type Name Debit Account Credit Account Debit
------ ----- ------------------ -------------- ------
Payment Peter Undeposited Funds **???** 200.00
Because when I deposit that amount I know that the next record should look like this:
Type Name Debit Account Credit Account Debit
------ ----- ------------------ -------------- ------
Deposit ME Bank Account Undeposited Funds 200.00
Any clue on how to deal with this?? When the Undeposited Funds record is created what is the credit account??
EDIT: Think of the following example: When you send a check to the phone co. to pay your bill, the first thing the phone co. does when they receive your check is to credit the balance due on your account and debit a suspense account called "Check Deposits". When your check clears in the phone company's bank account, the phone co. credits "Cash in Bank" and debits "Check Deposits". If your check bounces, the phone co. will credit "Checks Bounced" and debit your account balance with that amount plus the service service charge.
EDIT (Think is the solution):
For example
I charge a residential owner with 200 for maintenance fee.. in that moment I record 2 transactions: 1) will debit 200 to Maint. Income Account 2) will credit 200 to Receivables Account.
The residential owner pays 200 for the maintenance fee.. in that moment I record 3 transactions: 1) will debit 200 to Receivables Account 2) will credit 200 to Maint. Income Account 3) will debit 200 to Undeposited Funds Account (asset acct).
I go and deposit the 200 payment into my bank account... in that moment I record 2 transactions: 1) will debit 200 to Bank Account 2) will credit 200 to Undeposited Funds.
This way my balances will show like this:
Account Debit Credit Balance
Maint. Income 200 200 0
Receivables 200 200 0
Undep. Funds 200 200 0
Bank Account 200 0 200
I think this solutions works... just created the database tables and everything is matching fine.... what do you think?
hmm, why would you debit the bank account instead of crediting the bank account?.. If you debit the bank account 200, the balance would be -200.