I'm trying to add a simple feature to locomotivecms (github). A very simple feature: currently users are redirected to the "main admin hub" (/admin/) after logging in - even if they were trying to edit a different page. I want them to be directed to that page after logging in instead.
It seems a very simple and reasonable thing to add, but after two days trying I've decided to ask for help.
This is what I've found out so far.
route. For example, the login path is /admin/log_in
. Most controllers are inside an /admin/
subfolder, too./admin/sessions_controller
that apparently "fixes" the url to be visited after being logged in to the /admin/
root.Here's the relevant bit:
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
I'm nearly sure that what I need is this instead:
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
stored_location_for(resource) || admin_pages_url
If I have understood Devise's documentation correctly, stored_location_for
searches for a value in the session (session['admin_return_to']
in Locomotive's case) to "see if someone wants to go back somewhere". If it's empty, the || ensures a safe path to the admin root.
Unfortunately this doesn't work. It seems that the session variable that I need is never set up. I was assuming that Devise did this kindof automatically.
Must I set the session value myself? If so, where? Or are my assumptions wrong?
Thanks a lot!
Best solution is updating to the latest version of LocomotiveCMS.