My problem is quite simple - I think. I'm doing an ASP.NET MVC project. It's a project that requires the user to be logged in at all time. I probably need the current user's information in the MasterPage, like so; "Howdy, Mark - you're logged in!".
But what if I need the same information in the view? Or some validation in my servicelayer?
So how to make sure this information is available when I need it, and where I need it?
How much user information do you need? You can always access the Thread.Current.Principal and get the user's name - and possibly use that to look up more info on the user in a database.
Or if you really really really need some piece of information at all times, you could implement your own custom principal deriving from IPrincipal (this is really not a big deal!), and add those bits of information there, and when the user logs in, create an instance of the MyCustomPrincipal and attach that to the current thread. Then it'll be available anywhere, everywhere, anytime.