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Can Maven release:prepare update snapshot version to the release version in batch mode

mvn release:prepare

It constantly asks me to resolve snapshot dependencies. Is there a way to do this in batch mode so that maven automatically uses the associated release. i.e. if a dependency is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT it will automatically update this dependency to the 1.0.0 release?

[INFO] Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots ...
There are still some remaining snapshot dependencies.: Do you want to resolve them now?     (yes/no) no: : yes
Dependency type to resolve,: specify the selection number ( 0:All 1:Project Dependencies 2:Plugins 3:Reports 4:Extensions ): (0/1/2/3) 1: : 1
Resolve Project Dependency Snapshots.: '' set to release? (yes/no) yes: : yes
What is the next development version? (0.0.2-SNAPSHOT) 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT: : 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT


  • You can do update of the SNAPSHOT's via the versions-maven-plugin before the release.