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WWW::Mechanize won't work after submit

At my work I build a lot of wordpress sites and I also do a lot of cutting and pasting. In order to streamline this process I'm trying to make a crawler that can fill out and submit form information to wordpress. However, I can't get the crawler to operate correctly in the wordpress admin panel once I'm past the login.

I know it works to submit the login form because I've gotten the page back before. But this script doesn't seem to return the "settings" page, which is what I want. I've been trying to use this site as a guide: for how to use mechanize but I could use some additional pointers for this. Here is my Perl script, I've tried a few variations but I just need to be pointed in the right direction.


use WWW::Mechanize;
my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$url2 = '';

$url = '';
$m->set_fields('username' => 'user', 'password' => 'password');

$response = $m->get($url2);
print $response->decoded_content();


  • Put the below lines of code just before $m->submit(); . Since WWW::Mechanize is a subclass of LWP::UserAgent you can use any of LWP's methods.

    $m->add_handler("request_send",  sub { shift->dump; return });
    $m->add_handler("response_done", sub { shift->dump; return });

    The above would enable logging in your code. Look out for the Request/Response return codes i.e. 200 (OK) or 302 (Redirect) etc. The URL request i.e. the $m->get() is probably getting redirected or the machine's ip is Blocked by the server. If its a redirect, then you can probably use $m->redirect_ok(); to follow the redirect URL, or in case you don't want to follow the redirect URL use $m->requests_redirectable (this is an LWP method). The logs should show something like below-

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK


    HTTP/1.1 302 Found 

    If none of the above works, use an alternative of $m->submit(); like below and give it a try-

     my $inputobject=$mech->current_form()->find_input( undef, 'submit' );
     $m->click_button(input => $inputobject);