I have a piece of code that shows the first 20 words on my webpage.
$arrtext = explode( ' ', stripslashes( str_replace('\n',chr(10),str_replace('\r',chr(13),$row['text']))), $config['length_story'] + 1);
$arrtext[ $config['length_story'] ] = '';
$row['headtext'] = trim(implode( ' ', $arrtext)) . '...';
This works fine but I want to display the remaing text too without repeating the first 20 words how can I do this?
without rewriting anything, just save the content of
$arrtext[ $config['length_story'] ] = '';
before overwriting it. it already contains the remaining text
$remaining = $arrtext[ $config['length_story'] ];
$arrtext[ $config['length_story'] ] = '';