I have made a game for iphone in which I am unsure how to 'load' the various components of the game. I have created a loading screen, which simply allows the game to run in the background for a few seconds. Normally, once the program has run for 10 or so seconds, it becomes much smoother and the frame rate speeds up dramatically. However, I have no idea as to why it runs slowly, and I was wondering if anybody could give me suggestions as to why this is, and how I might go about programmatically loading these things while the loading screen is showing. Thanks in advance!
Edit: Specifically, I am trying to load a number of UIImageViews
and UIVIews
, including a large background.
Answer: I have discovered that the issue was simply that I was creating too many objects of a certain type, and that was dramatically slowing the framerate. Thanks for everyone's help!