I have a Departments reference table like:
Id Name
1. Dept1
2. Dept2
3. Dept3
I have a Users table like:
Id Name
1. User1
2. User2
On adding a user I want to be able to assign them a department. However I dont want to store the department name in the user table, hence the reference table. So I was thinking I should have a Dept_id field in the User table so as to make the reference to the Department table.
Problem is I need to output the User id, User Name and Department name
after adding the user. Challenge is I am doing this by:
$array['users'] = Users::getUsersAll();
$this -> table -> set_heading(array('id', 'Name');
In the model the getUsersAll()
method contains:
$query = Doctrine_Query::create() -> select("id,Name") -> from("users")
In the view, I generate the table by:
echo $this -> table -> generate($users);
How then would I be able to query and output the name of the department and append it to the table containing the the rest of the user data?
As per your description, user class will be something similar.
class User
/** Other members ...... **/
/** @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Department") */
public $department;
You can access the Department name from User object by $user->department->name