Are there any possibilities to provide a wordwrap suggestion to a Textblock
as you can do in HTML with <SHY> (soft hyphen)
or <WBR> (word break)
or the
even more complicated and less maintainable zero-width-space ​
At the moment the Textblock breaks words just as it sees necessity, ending up with word wraps like
what I want is:
or at least:
If there are recommend ways to achieve the needed, please let me know.
Setting TextBlock.IsHyphenationEnabled
to true would actually do something similar to that, but if you want to use tags, you can use a method like this:
/// <summary>
/// Adds break to a TextBlock according to a specified tag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The text containing the tags to break up</param>
/// <param name="tb">The TextBlock we are assigning this text to</param>
/// <param name="tag">The tag, eg <br> to use in adding breaks</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string WordWrap(string text, TextBlock tb, string tag)
//get the amount of text that can fit into the textblock
int len = (int)Math.Round((2 * tb.ActualWidth / tb.FontSize));
string original = text.Replace(tag, "");
string ret = "";
while (original.Length > len)
//get index where tag occurred
int i = text.IndexOf(tag);
//get index where whitespace occurred
int j = original.IndexOf(" ");
//does tag occur earlier than whitespace, then let's use that index instead!
if (j > i && j < len)
i = j;
//if we usde index of whitespace, there is no need to hyphenate
ret += (i == j) ? original.Substring(0, i) + "\n" : original.Substring(0, i) + "-\n";
//if we used index of whitespace, then let's remove the whitespace
original = (i == j) ? original.Substring(i + 1) : original.Substring(i);
text = text.Substring(i + tag.Length);
return ret + original;
This way you can now say:
textBlock1.Text = WordWrap("StackOver<br>Flow For<br>Ever", textBlock1, "<br>");
This will output:
However, using only IsHyphenated without tags, it will be:
textBlock1.Text = WordWrap("StackOver<br>Flow In<br> U", textBlock1, "<br>");
will output:
And IsHyphenated without tags:
EDIT: On reducing font size, I discovered that first code I posted does not prefer adding breaks where whitespaces occur to user specified breaks.