Search code examples

Is my function safe from SQL Injection?

    function update_page($page_id, $page_title, $page_content, $seo_title, $seo_keywords, $seo_desc) {

    $pagedata = array('page_title' => $page_title,
                      'page_content' => $page_content,
                      'seo_title' => $seo_title,
                      'seo_keywords' => $seo_keywords,
                      'seo_desc' => $seo_desc);             
    $this-> dbo -> update('zp_mobile_page', $pagedata, 'page_id = '.$page_id);
    $return_message = "Page Updated!";
    return $return_message;


Hi, i am using Zend DB, i read this forum about Zend, but i still do not get whether zend's update insert select are safe from sql injection or do i need to sanitize them again.

Can anyone guide me in layman terms?


  • See @Nemanja's comment, but no that isn't really safe from injection unless you are escaping $page_id manually somewhere else.

    You need to use quoteInto in order to secure the data:

                             ->quoteInto('page_id = ?', $page_id));

    You can also escape a single value using Zend_Db_Adapter::quote().