I am currently working on a computer-vision program that requires me to determine the "direction" of a color blob in an image. The color blob generally follows an elliptical shape and thus can be used to track direction (with respect to an initially defined/determined orientation) through time.
The means by which I figured I would calculate changes in direction are described as follows:
The concept itself isn't complicated, but I'm having trouble with the following:
Please do not worry about potential issue with distinguishing angles such as 0 and 90. Inertia can be used to determine the most likely direction of the color blob (in other words, based upon past orientation states).
My main concern is identifying the "longest stretch" in the matrix.
Thank you for your help!
You can use image moments as suggested here: Matlab - Image Momentum Calculation.
In matlab you would use regionprops
with the property 'Orientation', but the wiki article in the previous answer should give you all of the information you need to code it in the language of your choice.