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Server side access data for smartGWT rpc

On the server side I want to know how to access data used in an RPCRequest from SmartGwt.

Here is the SmartGwt client code:

  private void update() {
        RPCRequest request = new RPCRequest();
        request.setData("RPC text from client");

            new RPCCallback() {

                public void execute(RPCResponse response, Object obj, RPCRequest request) {
                    SC.say("Response from the server:" + obj);

Here is the RESTful java server code .

    public String update() {
        return "We got to here";

This trivial code works fine, but now I need to know how to access the data that was put into the RPCRequest. How do I do that in the server code?



  • You look like you may be heading in the wrong direction; if this "update" operation is a CRUD operation on some object, you want to using DataSources - take a look at the QuickStart overview of Data Integration, focusing on RestDataSource.

    Also you seem to be starting down the road of using generated REST services, this is almost always wrong - see this FAQ:

    Finally if this really is not a CRUD operation, you want to set useSimpleHttp on the RPCRequest, and then the docs for this property explain the different ways data can be sent.