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Magnifying part of the canvas when touched

I have a custom view that extends SurfaceView. I am drawing an image on the canvas. When the user touches a point on the canvas, i want to show a magnified view of the area around the touched co-ordinates. And preferably, as the finger moves around, i would like to update the magnified view's content accordingly.

I was wondering if the android platform supports such a functionality natively. If not, can one of you point me to a good example that can get me started or share ideas on how to implement it. I don't do much 2D or 3D graphics of this sort and am still trying to understand the Canvas and Matrix Classes to see what i can be use.

I searched the forum for a similar question but could not find any. So, pls don't flag me for asking a question that already exists.

And no - i am not using OpenGL-ES or any such 3rd party library (yet).

Thanks All.


  • To zoom the image you're drawing on the canvas:

    Create a BitmapShader (using the bitmap of the image you're drawing), a Matrix and a Paint:

    shader = new BitmapShader(bmp, TileMode.CLAMP, TileMode.CLAMP);
    matrix = new Matrix();
    shaderPaint = new Paint();

    On a touch event record the touch position (e.g. in a PointF):

    zoomPos.x = event.getX();
    zoomPos.y = event.getY();

    ...and set up the shader's matrix (I do this on each touch, there's probably a better way):

    matrix.postScale(2f, 2f);
    matrix.postTranslate(-zoomPos.x, -zoomPos.y);

    Then in the drawing code, draw a circle using the shader Paint.

    canvas.drawCircle(zoomPos.x, zoomPos.y, size_of_the_circle, shaderPaint);


    The two lines:

    matrix.postScale(2f, 2f);
    matrix.postTranslate(-zoomPos.x, -zoomPos.y);

    Can be replaced with one:

    matrix.postScale(2f, 2f, zoomPos.x, zoomPos.y);

    This allows the scale factor to be changed without breaking the offset.