I have an AsyncTask which starts on boot (called by a service). In some cases I would like to send a notification to start the main Activity. My problem comes when I try to call:
NotificationManager notManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(ns);
where eclipse shows me an error because AsyncTask hasn't got getSystemService method. Any idea?
Thank you.
Because getSystemService is a method of Context class. Check it out here.
Before you call the function, create a Context variable in your AsyncTask. Then initialize it in your constructor, i.e.
Context context;
public MyAsyncTask(Context contextin)
{ context = contextin;}
Then use this context variable to call your function:
NotificationManager notManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(ns);
Do not forget to input your context when you are executing AsyncTask:
MyAsyncTask mytask = new MyAsyncTask(getApplicationContext());
I also have a feeling that an IntentService would be more suitable for your needs.