I would like to ask why people use zend_db style?
$select = $d2b->select()
->from('users', array('userid','username'))
->where('userid=?', 2);
$result = $d2b->fetchRow($select);
echo $result->username;
instead of
$result = $d2b->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ?', 2);
echo $result[0]->username;
Which one is better? Or is it the same, just for maintainability.
One reason is that using Zend_db style abstracts out the generation of SQL; this means that we switching between database engines can be as easy as swapping out a class, rather than having to re-write incompatible queries.
Furthermore, Zend_db abstracts out SQL query escaping, greatly reducing the risk of SQL injection attacks. It also provides database querying functionality for those who do not know SQL.