I wish to include a vertical line on every page of my report, which runs from the top to bottom of the report body. How can I achieve this?
I've tried using RepeatWith, but it doesn't seem to work, the line appears only on the first page.
I've figured out a way to solve that problem (without using RepeatWith, RepeatOnNewPage or Report Background Image)
I wrote a simple code to add blank rows to the table in the body. The number of rows to be added will be determined by the body height and the height of a row.
For example, if the body height is 6" and height of a row is 0.5" then a total of 12 rows can be fitted into one page. So if your table has 4 rows then add 8 extra black rows so as to make the table height equal to the report body.
If the number of rows is more than 12, say 15, then you'll add [12 - (15 mod 12)] rows , i.e. 9 blank rows.
And you can have side borders on any of the columns as required, resulting in a vertical line running throughout the page.