I have an application which works perfectly in Mac OS and I want to make it work in Windows XP.
I have a function which returns this one. This is where I declare my folder My_Home
return "." + File.separator + "My_Home" + File.separator + HomePane.objFile ;
I want to do the same thing in Windows. I have tried:
return File.separator + "My_Home" + File.separator + HomePane.objFile ;
return "My_Home" + File.separator + HomePane.objFile ;
".\My_Home\" HomePane.objFile ;
"\My_Home\" HomePane.objFile ;
"My_Home\" HomePane.objFile ;
"./My_Home/" HomePane.objFile ;
etc. with \, but nothing seems to work in Windows, because all the objects (I want to use this return in order to save some objects in folder My_Home
) are saved outside of the folder.
What can I do?
"My_Home" + File.separator + HomePane.objFile
was right, the problem was mine. Thank you all:)